Saturday, April 16, 2022

Puzzled, Puzzled and Puzzled Some More


Mom and dad recently finished a unique jigsaw puzzle, one made up of the tiniest pieces any of us had ever seen. 

Sure, it was fun, but the size of the pieces made its completion extra difficult. 

The next- and most recent one- was, you guessed it, another feline-themed puzzle.  This time I got to help out.  From the sidelines, sort of. 

At least they let me get up on a chair to watch.  Last, we're puzzled by something that recently took place.  Up until this past week, dad's done the lawn care around the property where we live, and the surgery on his, umm, intestinal underpinnings 
the other day (which, they say, went well and has dad in mild distress, shuffling aimlessly around the house and generally just being in the way) meant he had to hire out for the mowing this past week.  Suffice it to say that on looking out the front door over my sunning steps he was bewildered and saddened to see that the hired groundskeepers had, for who knows what reason, obliterated my beloved bushy catnip (see previous post). 
Yeah, that's the same plant as in my previous post!

Yep, took it right down to the ground.

  And it wasn't like they thought they were being thorough as they left multiple weeds nearby untouched. "Idiots", he howled (I cleaned that one up a bit), then continued to rant and spew things I can't repeat here.  Mom and I figured, if we just ignored him long
enough, he'd eventually let it go and shut up.


Lynn and Precious said...

Cleo, instead of your dad howling over the nippy, you should be the one.
That is a crime most serious in the cat world. Us cats don't really care
if the dandy-lions keep on keeping on, but nippy! Oh my, I'd hiss my
head off over that one. This'll make your dad just heal quicker so he can
get back to ruling the roost. In case he thinks he's in charge instead of
you. And the tiny puzzle pieces, meow on that. Looks like you did not
steal any as the pictures look complete. Happy Easter. Precious

Eastside Cats said...

Cleo, it's hard to pay for something that ended being a screw up!
Here at Eastside Cats, The Hubby runs his mower over my plants, even when they are clearly marked, so I didn't pay for the privilege.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those puzzles sure look puzzling! I do hope your nip plants pop back up soon!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is absolutely awful. That person should be made to get you another catnip plant and put it back there!

Those puzzles look very, very hard!

Tama and Benny

My Mind's Eye said...

Cleo that was some accomplishment to finish the puzzle with itty bitty pieces. How in the world did they keep from losing some (aka you knocking them on the floor).
Oh dear me I'm sorry about your catnip bush and that Dad was unhappy with the service. Here's to very good healing wishes for Dad's incisions. TELL him not to start pulling at that lawn mower too soo and to be sure he heals properly.
I know Dad was miffed at the lack of attention and care
Hugs Cecilia

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh Cleo, so sorry about your beautiful nip garden ... actually it is still there if you
have your Dad check your email ...
well, sort of there "in memory" that is!
Happy Easter!

Saku said...

Rotten guys, how could they not realize that was your 'nip plant Cleo! I don't blame your dad for saying some nasty words. Mom bean says it will grow awhile.

pilch92 said...

I am impressed at the puzzles and how good you are- my cats would be stealing pieces and chewing on them. Glad your dad is feeling better. I am sorry about the nip plant- I hope it grows back. Have a Happy Easter. Xo

meowmeowmans said...

Good snoopervising on that cat puzzle, Cleo. We are amazed at how tiny the pieces for that other puzzle were ... we do imagine that wouod n=make it more difficult!

We're sorry about your nip plant, and hope it grows back soon. :(

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "What tiny puzzle pieces! Some might call them bite-sized ..."
Chaplin: "Egad, what did they do to your catnip?! This looks like the work of rogue DEA agents or something!"

Katie Isabella said...

That's horrible about the catnip, Cleo. Mommy has been equally outraged but over her sunflowert plant that has been destroyed TWO times in TWO years.

Leah said...

Oh my Cleo, I hope your nip plant bounces back quickly! And also that your Dad heals fast and feels better soon!

The Island Cats said...

Nooooo! How rude of that lawn person to destroy your nip plant like that! The only saving grace, Cleo, is that it should grow back. And your dad better tell that lawn person to leave it alone in the future. ~Ernie

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Those look like great puzzles!

catladymac said...

Great work on the puzzles - very bad on the nip garden - especially as they left other real weeds alone. Hope it comes back with a bit of encouragemnt.

catscue said...

That was some puzzle! Don't worry, nip is tough it will grow back.

da tabbies o trout towne said... waz rite ta uze "choize werdz" de gurl wooda been mad two.....can he getz a small "fence" ta putz across de front....just in case.....hope everee one hada grate easter !! :) ♥♥

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Those puzzles look hard to put together. WE here like to chew on the puzzle pieces and swat them around. Don't you Cleo?

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I don't blame your dad for being upset! And I would *never* have the patience for that first puzzle MOL!

hairballsandhissyfits said...

Nooooooooo!!! Bummer! I don't blame him for getting so angry--hope yu oget a good smelly replacement!

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh No! Our problem is not "bad" humans, it is the neighbor cats! We plant extra and they eat more! Kozmo gets a little protective....Thanks for visiting us! And we hope that your catnip comes back!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Oh no! Your precious nip!!! Hopefully there's enough left for it to grow back!!!

Darla M Sands said...

I feel for your family on crappy work around the house. ~sigh~ But at least we humans have great kitties to console us! And if your folks ever visit Cincinnati for any reason, they should visit the American Sign Museum. :D That first puzzle made me think of it. An adjoining shop even gives neon tube demonstrations! Be well, my dears.