Might the old girl's facial expression be saying what many of us are feeling?
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Happy New Year?
Might the old girl's facial expression be saying what many of us are feeling?
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Post-Christmas Post
Although dad did get up earlier every morning to get a fire going since the outside temps were only in the teens. Christmas Day brought all kinds of goodies, including some for me. I got some of my favorite chewy treats and a toy owl, stuffed with something called silver vine.
I played with it and played with it and played with it, and then I lost interest. I left it there on the living room floor,
where it still sits to this day. Truthfully, mom and dad are playing with it now more than I am. Before we opened gifts dad let me have a whiff of the owl and it drove me cuckoo.
He took it away to put back in the pile of presents under the tree and I hopped down and went over to the tree, sniffing everything and everywhere. And yes, before you say it, they did watch me to make sure I didn't try to eat that curly ribbon.
Mom and dad spent the day lounging, watching Christmas movies, sipping mimosas, working on a puzzle and napping.
The Christmas shrub has now been un-decorated except for the lights and will become a year-round fixture (or until it withers from neglect, much like my toy owl), dad's back at work, and we're looking forward to 2021 with the hope that it brings better things than what this past year has.
We hope all y'all had a nice Christmas and enjoyed your families, some friends and maybe some peace and quiet.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Season's Greetings!

Saturday, December 19, 2020
And This is Without 'nip
Our looney ol' gal still gets a jolt of spunk in her now and then, and every once in a while she'll come whipping around the corner into the living room where her mom and I are sitting.
Of course, now that we have hardwood floors throughout vs. the wall to wall carpet we had in Wilmington she tends to slide a bit when rounding said corner, though of course I can never grab the phone quick enough to snap a picture of this hilarious little move.
Don't worry, she recovers quickly, and it's not like she's gonna break a hip or anything. Anyway, we'll sit and watch her skirt behind the little table holding our Christmas Shrub and zoom for the drapes covering the picture window in the living room,
where she usually zips back and forth from one side to the other a couple times,
letting out a few meows that are more like moans and wails. Occasionally she'll fly back out one end of the drapes and head back around the corner into the next room,
but most often she casually saunters out from behind the drapes with that "What? What are you looking at?" expression she seems to do so well.
And then she's back to the antique lady kitty we know and love.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Out for a Stroll. Sort of.
Okay, so he was a handsome old mancat and I'm sure mom and dad miss him, but I'm the star of this show now, so can we please get back to me?
Yeah, so mom's been trying to get me to go out more, thinking the walk will do me good.
These pictures don't really show it, but I'm still a little skittish about being out there. They've always kept me inside, so this is kinda new for me.
Maybe in time I'll get the hang of it. Who knows. I usually walk a little ways, then sit, then sniff here and there, then sit some more. Maybe I'll go another few feet, maybe not.
Then mom picks me up and carries me a little further. And on and on it goes. It's a process for sure. I tend to want to turn and go back to the house, though my curiosity is heightened by new sights, sounds and smells out there. I suppose if we do this enough I'll learn to enjoy it. Or not.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
This crusty old bugger, still sorely missed and always in our memories, has been gone for six years today. Don't worry, Cleo, you're tops now, but I wanted to honor Orbit's memory on this date. Sure, I'd never have remembered the exact details if it wasn't for Cleo's mom having it on the big whiteboard hanging on the wall in the kitchen. That thing will come in handy in the coming years. Anyway, here's to you, old buddy. We miss you tons and will always remember what a sweet, awesome & funny house panther you were and the joy your companionship brought us. I think I have something in my eye. Don't worry old girl, we'll get back to you with the next post.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Ahh, Festive Times
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Yep, so that's our Christmas Tree. Mom and dad decided to go with a Christmas, umm, shrub, I guess, and once the holidays are over they plan on keeping it in the house year-round. I'm opening the betting window on just how long these two can keep this little guy alive. Anyway, dad was gonna try to pass this next one off as "Oh my gosh, look how the
Nice try, ya boob. He planned it that way. Trust me, I was on his lap while he took far too many shots in selfie mode, trying to get the right angle. I just wanted to sleep. Dad says this is my classic resting b-, I mean resting annoyed face. Whatever.
This one, even I gotta say, is so gosh darn adorable, no? Nighty night...
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Frying Pan What? And Where's the Turkey?
It pains me to no end to have to write this post since it has absolutely nothing to do with yours truly, so bear with me.
So this Thanksgiving mom and dad did things a little different. They had one of mom's friends over for the week, and they did lots of outdoor activities (translated: brewery hopping, with masks of course, and during non-peak hours so keeping socially distant wasn't an issue). But seriously, they got in some good walks and even went hiking. On Thanksgiving Day they drove about 40 minutes southwest of Asheville to the Pisgah National Forest where they hiked up to the Frying Pan Mountain Lookout Tower, which at 70 feet is supposedly the tallest fire tower in the entire state of North Carolina. The ranger's lookout at the top is closed, but the views from the top of the jangly metal stairs just below it are spectacular, according to mom and her friend. You see, dad's getting old, and can't do heights like he could in his youth, so he only went part way up, clinging to the handrail about a story and a half up, teeth chattering and shaking like a leaf, leaving mom and her friend to climb to the top for these photos. The 360 degree views were truly spectacular, or so they say. The hike was only a couple miles overall, but a good hike nonetheless, and when they returned instead of a turkey dinner they cooked a rib roast, had their homemade stuffing and fresh roasted Brussels Sprouts all garlicky and delicious. Of course, ever the idiot, dad forgot to get a picture of his plate before chowing down, so here's where he stopped for a photo.
Nice work, you dinglehoosie. Anyway, yeah, it all smelled wonderful, and no, I didn't get to have any. After some wine and some cleanup and some wine they were pretty well spent. So that was their Thanksgiving. Yaaay. Woohoo. Hip hip, who cares. These photos are beautiful. Oh, and the mountains are cool, too😄...
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Comfy and Cozy am I
There's nothing more cozy than the footrest on dad's new chair. Okay, maybe throw in a toasty fire on a chilly night. Okay, and maybe some Christmas lights. Hmm, kinda looks like my ear's on fire, doesn't it? That's all I got. G'night.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving
As I've mentioned previously, we get to see some great wildlife out here at our new place. Mama bear and her three cubs have been spotted right up the hill, coming out of the trees next door and crossing the driveway and getting into the trash. Deer have been seen sauntering up the driveway on their way back to the woods. The squirrels and rabbits are everywhere. And this gang has been roaming the yards and fields regularly, though now that I think of it, we haven't seen them in a few days...
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Well, it's No Deck, But
I guess it'll have to do since walking back to Wilmington isn't really something I'm interested in doing.
Our deck was nice out there, and I got all the sun I could ask for, but I do have a few spots in this house where the puddles collect at certain times of the day, and I'm getting familiar with where they are. This particular puddle is under the table between mom and dad's chairs in the living room. I was able to enjoy the sun before they got the carpet, but it's even better now (dad's too lazy to go back and put these photos in order).
They put a table in front of a window in the extra bedroom with a chair next to it and a small box next to that for me, but so far I haven't been interested.
Do all y'all have favorite spots to soak up your sun puddles?
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Chair and Chair Alike
Even though we just got dad his own chair my early mornings are usually spent in mom's rocker since I fit a little better with dad in that one. Don't get me wrong- I love the plush comfort of dad's new chair, but I also like snuggling with him all nice and tight in mom's.
On returning from refilling his coffee vat he usually finds me in almost the same position as when he got up, but on this particular day I just sat up waiting for him to come settle back in. Sometimes I gripe and groan and refuse to move, but others I simply slide back over to the left chair arm and settle right back into my snoozy. He doesn't like to turn the heat up too much, so most mornings he wraps up in this fleece they keep on mom's chair for just this purpose.
Our new place has hardwood floors throughout, but mom and dad went shopping recently and came home with a nice big area rug to help cozy the living room and tamp down some of the echo. Our old place had wall-to-wall carpet, and I've been missing it, so this will be perfect for those times I'm not in the mood for a chair. You can just see bits of the rug around the chair up above.This, of course, is my newest favorite place!