Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Christmas Gift Follow-up

 refusing to surrender in defeat and accept that ol' smudge just wasn't the playful type and had no interest in her new toy, one recent evening the dad removed the circular scratcher from the toy, flipped it over, sprinkled it afresh and set it in the middle of the living room floor. After Smudge approached it and gave it a cautious initial sniff, the dad bubbled over with joy as he watched her plop herself atop the thing and lick it like a crazed lady cat. as she rubbed her chin and cheeks into the 'nip scented cardboard, the dad smiled, pleased with himself, snapping photo after photo like a proud pop.

Pleased with herself for making her dad happy and somewhat worn out after showing her playful side, smudge did what her dad says she does best.

Final Footnote: This last photo has nothing whatsoever to do with this post. The dad simply has an overabundance of pictures of Smudge sleeping and decided to use one here.


Katie Isabella said...

Know what you mean about not being enthusiastic about a new toy! Katie can ignore many if not the majority of those toys she gets in plenty..but as with last night...dangle a string in front of her...varooom! all over it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

It looks like you enjoyed your new scratcher a lot more this time, Smudge. Does nip give you the munchies? Flynn was like a ravenous lion after nip, and then he would sleep/crash out.

My Mind's Eye said...

Brian you are a seasoned cat owner not to be defeated by Smudge. I guess the Senior lady just wanted a different scented 'platform' for her appreciation performance.
Smudge you truly crack me up. OMCs. As with all felines you don't want to show too much enthusiasm Dad might get cocky
Hugs Cecilia

Lynn and Precious said...

Smudge, did dad maybe have a bit of the nippy while applying it to the old scratcher? I've been rolling in silvervine since Christmas. Only in the dark of the morn after some breakfast. I do it 'cause Lynn thinks it's cute. We gotta please da hoomans. And we both know the new bedside stool is really fur dad, but he's gotta make it sound like not, mol.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

smudge eye due hope if ewe had de muncheez afturr bee in buzzed on nip, ya waz abe bull ta consoom sum, fizh bee for chillaxin witha nap !! ;) ♥♥

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh smudge, yoo r so berry cute eben iffen your dad izza liddle weird!

Gidget Blue Sky said...

pee ess: tell your dad that there izza realy grate version ovva rich and chris robinson and slash doin "going to california" accostick here at the 2 hours 25 minute mark:

Eastside Cats said...

Well, when there is a will, there is a way!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hah! Admit it, Smudge! You did it just to make him happy, and happy he was!

The Chans