Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Christmas Gift- A Short (facetious) Story

In a far eastern Pennsylvania borough, there lives a special kitty named Smudge. Though enjoying her golden years and quite set in her ways, Smudge would occasionally display a rare playfulness

After opening a large, colorfully wrapped Christmas gift with her name on it, Smudge jittered with anticipation and could not be held back as she leapt towards her new toy.

Smudge’s excitement could not be contained as she swatted the small red and white ball 'round the outer track first one way then the other. 

Back and forth the ball went, back and forth with the force of Smudge’s paw. Oh, how she swatted; the poor, helpless plastic orb couldn’t have known what hit it. 

She swatted the ball again and again as if possessed and out of control. Cat mom and cat dad swore they could hear Smudge’s heart beating with joy as they looked to one another, happily, silently acknowledging that they’d done well.  

And then Smudge discovered the catnip-laced scratching surface at the toy’s center. Sniffing and frolicking and buzzing like crazy, Smudge clawed and tore at the helpless, scented cardboard. 

She rolled ‘round atop the toy, twisting her head this way and that, coating her ears and whiskers with the fine, flakey herb and by now higher than a kite. 

Displaying an until-now unseen energy and spirit, Smudge pleased her cat mom and cat dad to no end with her youthful antics and boundless energy. 

Smudgey, oh Smudgey!” “Just look at you play!” Overjoyed and near tears, Smudge’s cat mom and cat dad laughed and hugged each other as she rolled around, zooming with delight atop her precious new toy. 

“Oh, just look at her go,” said cat dad. “She’s truly out of control,” added cat mom. They’d never, ever seen her so overflowing with kitten-like vigor. They knew they’d chosen the perfect gift for their old girl.

note 1: Although you can't see it, there is a ball. 

note 2: This last photo, which the cat mom and cat dad think is hilarious, was caught at the right time either just before or right after a yawn. It is not doctored in any way except for Lunapic's Scribble at 50%. 


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is the loveliest Christmas tail/tale! We have one of those toys but we have figured out how to get the ball out and then we chase it under something. #1 has bought lots of ping pong balls that go in one after another, only to disappear in turn!

The Chans

Lynn and Precious said...

Smudge, your mom and dad finally figured out the best way to give you ever. Just hope you don't get too tired of it too soon. I would, that's just the way I am. And by the way yes I have found my voice. I sing the song of our people when Lynn throws me in the trunk of the car, speeds away like bat out of hell to take me to Dr Feelbad's office. She wears earmuffs to control the sound. Precious
This is for Smudge's Mom and Dad, then really likes the artwork. Lynn

Katie Isabella said...

That tale, and the finishing picture is perfect! I think the best ever! Caught with a delighted smile if I ever saw one. And yawn? I think not. This is a smile! XXOO

Eastside Cats said...

Whoa, we were feeling it, Smudge!
Just 'cause the words didn't match the images...well, we played along.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

smudgie, we r so happy dat yoo izza habin dee time ov yor life playing and gitting nipped owt ov yor mind!!!!!

The Island Cats said...

That sounds like the purrfect toy, Smudge! Continue to have fun with it.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "I just love a feel-good Christmas story!"

My Mind's Eye said...

Smudge OMCs x a gazillion. Proof pawitive you can teach a senior cat new tricks who knew you would love this so very much. You must have had one years ago you surely knew exactly what to do with each and every part of it and I especially like seeing you sit upon it.
Well don Cat Mom and Cat Dad...I think you both enjoyed this almost as much as Smudge.
Hugs cecilia

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was an exciting tale, Smudge. That is a big smile in the last photo. It also looks like you were plugged in!

pilch92 said...

Awww...that was a great story. I am glad you found a toy Smudge enjoys.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I expected the last line of the story to read, "And she never played with the toy again". At least that is a common story in my house!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

smudge…thiz iz de best storee ever….troo lee, knot onlee am eye happee that ewe getted such a paw sum gift, yur fotoz total lee rock….yez spesh a lee de last one….and heerz hopin ya hada nice servin oh fish ta settle thoz muncheez 😺💙🐟😺‼️

meowmeowmans said...

Such a wonderful Christmas story. You really know how to tug at our heartstrings, Smudge!