Friday, February 25, 2022

Check This Out

 So it's nothing out of the ordinary to see a few of these guys 'round here, and dad regularly sees their tracks when he's out on the trails at work.  However, this was the first time he got to see a bunch of 'em frolicking right next door, and this was after they froze in their tracks as they do when they first spotted dad watching.  They stared for a moment, then just continued with their play before slipping off into the woods.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

How lovely! We have some around here too but they are very, very skittish!

Have a great weekend!

Tama and Benny

Lynn and Precious said...

We have such a big herd in our yard all the time that sometimes it's a bit aggravating. However I still think they're a handsome animal and you really did a great job on that video, thanks. So Cleo you all have a great weekend and hope you get lots of sunshine. Up here we had an ice storm last night.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a lovely sight to see them playing.

Eastside Cats said...

What a delightful vision!
Cleo, about your dad liking coffee, does he drink it as hot as lava and as black as sin, like The Hubby does?
Give me a cup of Earl Grey or Irish Breakfast Tea; that's the most caffeine I can do.

stevebethere said...

Ha ha that was good seeing them playing together I can watch animals all day :-)

Have a shenanigantastic weekend 👍

Gidget Blue Sky said...

dey iz habin fun, fun, fun......

Brian's Home Blog said...

What a joy to actually see the reindeer games sweet Cleo...well, the deer games anyways!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

what a nice thing to see !! have a few here around work.. who let people
walk within 4 feet of them....not a good thing really.....they should be more fearful of people ~~~

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

they are so graceful and beautiful!! But...I hate when they come charging into the street when I'm driving. They are dangerous!!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Nice to see some wildlife thriving somewhere.

Sandee said...

They were having a grand time weren't they? Yes they were. Beautiful.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to Cleo. ♥

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

They're so beautiful!

My Mind's Eye said...

I love it finally we know exactly how reindeer games look...adorable and frisky
Hugs cecilia

Zoolatry said...

As much as I enjoy seeing them, if we don't stop stealing their habitats they will soon be playing on our front porches ...

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "It's like they go, 'Egad! We're on film!' And then decide ehhh, let's just put on a show."

Saku said...

They sure look like they're having fun. You live in a furry interesting place Cleo!

The Island Cats said...

Those deer sure were having fun!

pilch92 said...

Great video. Looks like they were having a lot of fun. I thought your Dad knew that he can post other things, but must include a photo of you. :)

meowmeowmans said...

What a great video, Cleo! How neat that your dad got to see those deer having so much fun!

Ivan from WMD said...

Deer tag!

Darla M Sands said...

What great footage!