Friday, May 31, 2024

Artified, Schmartified

So dad, who may or may not have a splinter of a creative bone in his body, likes to play around with pictures for some posts as many of you do. 

Be nice, Smudge. It's fun to shake things up now and then.

Yeah, whatever. Anyhoo, he likes tinkering in lunapic and tried messing with a photo of our early morning routine. Honestly, if I hear the word "artified" one more time, I'll throw up in one of his shoes.  

Oh, come on, Mrs. Grumpy-Puss. A little tweaking never hurt anything. Relax, will you?

I'll make a deal with you, pops. I'll relax when you stop being an idiot. Sound good? 

Oh my god, between you and your mom...

Tread lightly there, mister.

That's more like it. Now go on, go to work. 

Fawn update: dad says he's seen what he assumes is the same little one prancing through the trees this past week. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Oh Deer

So dad was out on the mower one day recently, and while riding along the fence line came upon this poor little thing.

The boss's property is routinely occupied by deer, so they're pretty much all over the place on any given day, but this one really caught dad by surprise, especially since the noise didn't scare him/her off. The poor little thing just lay there as the mower roared past and dad stopped quickly and shut it off. He got his phone out and, unsure what to do, looked up the number for the local animal control. He took a couple of quick pictures, and being fairly certain that the mom couldn't have been too far, started up the mower to move away from the fawn.

This scared the little one, who struggled to get up and, falling over once or twice, wobbled off into the trees, hopefully to the safety of his or her mom. Although it's hard to tell in the picture, dad said the little tyke was only about the size of a small toddler.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cat, Cooler and Carpet- an Early Morning Digression

Cat, Cooler and Carpet

Dad drew inspiration for the title of this post from a dinner special served at a long-since-demolished restaurant in South Deerfield, MA where he honed his cooking chops in his previous life.
Beef, Bird and Bottle was a shamefully tissue-thin slice of prime rib, half of a chicken breast a l'orange, and a bottle of cheap-shit house wine.
 The 1704, attached to what used to be a Motel 6, was located next to a sprawling wooded lot that would eventually become the Yankee Candle Company's flagship store. The restaurant, dad believes, took its name from the Deerfield Massacre. Wait, what were we talking about?

Friday, May 10, 2024

I Sleep, Therefore I Am

 So I've taken more and more to getting on the bed with mom and dad, though mostly in the mornings. I'll spend the night now and then, but as a creature of habit, I typically sleep in mom's chair. Once dad leaves for work I head upstairs to snuggle up with mom where I know it makes her oh so happy to wake up and find me there.

On weekends, dad still gets up at stupid o'clock and after his quiet java/reading time with me, goes back upstairs to lounge with mom until she wakes up. More and more lately, I'll head up after him and hop up on the bed, curling at their feet to continue my snoozy routine.

I guess there's something fascinating about a sleeping cat that melts humans' hearts and tells them to pester us. I know they mean well and can't get enough of us, but my goodness.

That's mom giving me some much-deserved loves.

And dad took this one back when the sleeping bag was still on the bed for extra warmth. He woke to find me tucked up against mom's legs & butt. Okay bye. I'm gonna go nap.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

A Post Full of Sheet- A Photo Dump

The sheet over our front entrance has come down since it's gotten warmer, and dad put the screen in the front door so I can enjoy the fresh air more up close and in person. I'm sure I'll get over it, but that darn sheet provided hours of fun, especially when I played hide & seek behind it. 

Occasionally, my toys would be included in our play, and one time they tossed my Easter egg that Ellen made me last year and it landed right in one of dad's stinky work shoes.