Friday, December 17, 2021

Routines part I

 We've all got 'em, right?  Creatures of habit, blah blah blah...  Anyhoo, before I get going dad wants me to pass on big thanks for all your well wishes and kind words for him and mom.  They're both doing much, much better except for these dang coughs that just don't wanna let go.  Now as I was saying, y'all know we're creatures of habit, and I'll bet every one of you has your own routine, right down to feeding times, sleep habits and other regular every day stuff.  Dad even keeps track of my, well, health, I guess, by what's in my litter box each day.  This is part 1 of just one small piece of a "typical" day here in our household.  I'm sure some of you can relate.


Even in the Bathroom it's like "hey, whatcha doin'?
So when I finally open the bedroom door for the old girl, she gets what she was after the whole time.  


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We never usually closed doors. If I was going to the bathroom Flynn would race to beat me to it before I could shut the door. If he had been asleep or outdoors a paw would appear under the door scratching at the carpet. Ivor would open it a crack so he could get in.
They both always slept on the bed at night, Eric usually on my head.

Lynn and Precious said...

Cleo, a girl knows what she wants and she wants it NOW. Who shut the
doors in the first place! So you are listening to your mom and dad making
yucky coughing sounds still. Maybe they have a hairball in there somewhere.
Lynn bought me some Greenies for early Christmas. Never had them before
and I don't chew them, I just suck them down. So much for tooth cleaning.

Homestead Prowlers said...

LOL! That was really cute. Happy Feline Friday!

My Mind's Eye said...

When my daughter was a wee girl we were owned by Toto the mighty mini dachshund. Any time I was in the bathroom with the door closed, they sat by the door one asking Mommy are you ok when are you coming out and the other whimpering and making big puffs of disgust at the door.

Cleo you are much more patient.
Hugs and glad your staff is better

Eastside Cats said...

Cleo, really? They still close the door on you?
How rude!
Hope the coughs clear up as we venture further into the 'brrrr' season.

Saku said...

Mom bean does not close doors to me. I've been known to try to tear the door apart to get in. The noise I make isn't worth the extra few minutes of sleep she might get.

Hoping the coughs ease up soon. You don't need to be listening to that Cleo, MOL!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Don't forget to try shoving your arms under the door and pawing around blindly inside!"

Sandee said...

I'm glad your peeps are feeling better. I hope the cough goes away soon.

We always left our door open so the kitties could sleep with us. I love having our babies sleep with us.

Have a purrfect day and weekend, Cleo. My best to your peeps. ♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Cleo, it's time for some advanced training! Our #1 would never dare close her bedroom door, ever!!!

Tama and Benny

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

We relate to this story though we are not ill. Hope you improve real soon!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Your peeps need you to look out for them wherever they are!

Brian's Home Blog said...

No closed doors here either sweet Cleo but that bed was a big routine win!

Ivan from WMD said...

If ever there's a closed door here, we both politely sit and wait until it opens again. Mom says this has got to be an all-time first for cats in general.

pilch92 said...

You are so sweet Cleo. XO

Summer said...

My presence is actually required on the bed or my human will have a difficult time falling asleep! She mind will be thinking about where I might be.

The Island Cats said...

It's rare for doors to be closed around here. And those that are, I have been known to stand by and meow and scratch them until they are opened. I hope your peeps continue to get better, Cleo. ~Ernie

Furries said...

Good news that your humans are getting better. Less coughing means you'll get better naps.

meowmeowmans said...

We are sure happy your mom and dad are feeling better, Cleo. We hope those pesky coughs go away real soon.

We pretty much leave all the doors open here (well, not the ones to outside, but otherwise...), so Ava just walks on us when it's time to eat. MOL

hairballsandhissyfits said...

Cleo! You are adorable! Nothing better than extra sleep in time on a warm bed!