Dad just turned 5900 years old, and he and mom went out and bought him a new chair so they can each have their own rocker-recliner and dad can stop whining about his back.
On the one hand he has been sitting in a beach-style chair since we moved from Chapel Hill a while ago and got rid of that awesome double theater chair we had, but on the other hand he's always had one excuse or another for not getting a new one.
They got this new one that's nice and soft and kind of fluffy, and since the day it arrived I pretty much commandeered it, blessing it with bits of litter and fur and occasionally allowing dad to sit in it with me.
Sure, I've always enjoyed mom's old Lazy Boy, but this one- I don't know- something about it says "It's all yours, Cleopatra". When I see dad getting ready to sit in it I rush to it first. If I'm already in it and dad tries to sit down I groan and grumble to try to scare him off, to no avail.
This one has something mom's chair doesn't, though, and I think it's my new most favorite spot ever. When dad puts the foot rest up the space between the seat and foot rest is soft fabric where mom's has an empty space except for the metal brackets, and that make a perfect "nest" for me to curl up in, allowing dad full use of the seat AND me to fully enjoy the chair in my own little spot.
I've always slept with mom and dad, but since this thing arrived I've spent every single night in it. I've overheard them crying about me not sleeping with them any more, but hey, they're the ones who got this damn chair.
Our new place has a big beautiful fireplace, and mom loves the colors in this photo of me. Dad took the picture by the firelight with no flash, and it is kind of cool.
This is what dad faces after getting up for a coffee refill. Note the step stool they keep next to the chair for me. |
Mom snuck this last one of me and dad "watching television".