Yeah, so this is what these people are doing to me these days. Although I'm probably one of the most obsessive cleaners on the planet, they obviously don't share the same opinion.
"Bathtime for Bonzo" dad calls it. What an ass.
This is what I have to endure on a monthly basis, followed up by a dab of some shit on the back of my neck to ward off fleas, supposedly. Personally, I think they just like torturing me.
Lucky for them my paws don't make it easy for me to use a camera...
Awwww lovely Orbit!!! Hope you get extra bonus treats for such a happening! Take care
Eek...a bath?!? Betcha your furs look especially magnificent afterward, Orbit...mmmm!
That is just so wrong, dood.
Maybe you should poo in the tub.
That'll teach them.
dood...ya noe what they say bout pay chex..... noe wait....ya noe what they say bout pay BAX....few rotten flounder in de a/c vent in their room will fill de bill nice lee...herz ta a grate bath free week a head ♥
UGH!!! I've been traumatized just by seeing these photos, Orbit. I am deathly afraid of water!!!!
Cats are self-cleaning. Did your dad forget that in his dotage? Thankfully, I've never had to endure one of those torture sessions ever.
Mine are afraid to put me in the bathtub. They tried it once and I turned into a different cat. I totally lost my mind with panic. Mom felt so bad she has never tried again. Don't tell her I am a good actress ,that's our little secret.
Obviously, your peeps are stark raving CRAZYPANTS.
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