As I may or may not have previously mentioned mom and dad are avid readers. As such they love to lay in bed at night and read, which I find quite rude when I want attention. Last night all I wanted was some loving, but neither one could give me the time of day, so I decided reading must be so damn exciting I thought I'd give it a try.
First of all I couldn't even understand what the hell I was looking at. Secondly, mom kept turning the pages before I could even figure out what was on them, so I just gave up. At first I tried to block her view, but finally just decided to lay here since I'd gotten comfortable. Dad had just finished his book and tossed it down on the bed with a disgusted grunt, saying it wasn't that good.
Yeah, my mom reads a lot, too, and it IS very annoying. I don't get what the big deal is, frankly.
Cats + books = purfect combination!
Our Mom does it too. We used to just lay down on her book, but she got a Nook,so now it'a a lot harder to do!
My Mommeh likes staring at words, words, words, too. It's boring!
Haha I do my reading on the train on the way to and from work, so luckily the cats don't have to compete! ;o)
My smokey says lay right on the middle and konk out. It works every time hehe.
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