I know everyone likes to think their cat is the sweetest, cutest, most cuddly, etc., but I have to say- everyone should have a cat like orbit. In these, his "golden" years he has turned so soft and mushy (though he still has his crusty moments), and provides my wife and I with more head butts, conversations, evil stares, and overall entertainment than we ever expected. We can't even have a private moment together. Orbit can be asleep in the living room, and in the time it takes for us to get under the covers at bedtime and open our books there he is, popping up onto the bed.
I know the head butt thing is getting old, but we'll never get tired of them. Orbit's gotten to where he automatically walks up to my wife's face and goes right for her nose or forehead, sometimes two and three times. Once he's received our approval in this way he turns and settles himself onto the comforter right between my wife's legs (don't say it!). Occasionally, he'll come to me for the head butts and ignore his mom, which I find extremely amusing.
Just about every day, when I get home from work he jumps down from wherever he's been sleeping and walks up to me, his meows growing louder and louder. He's learned that, by doing this in any situation he'll get the attention he feels entitled to. We usually sit on the loveseat at the coffee table for our meals, and he's gotten into the habit of jumping up onto the loveseat before we actually get to it, and settling in just behind one or the other of us. As soon as we finish eating he gets up and immediately gets onto our lap. I know some people say cats can't be "trained", but he's gotten to be such a creature of habit.

I know orbit won't be here forever, but we're going to make the remaining years of his life the best any cat could ever want. He deserves at least that much. He is, after all, the sweetest, cutest, most cuddly.......
A great post, bean Dad. Orbit has his life pretty much the way he wants it. What else could any kittie want?
What a beautiful love letter to your Orbit-man!
My Mommeh says she looks at me sometimes and her heart fills all up! I think Harley just makes her laugh.
You're absolutely right to make the most of these times! My black cat Scampie passed 3 years ago, and here headbutts and snuggles are the things I most miss every day, OF course I love Freya, Teego and Chatzi, but they're not snugglers like she was.
Give orbit a BIG squeeze from me!
One BIG squeeze coming right up!
Awwwwww sweet and adorable Orbit!! You give dad and mum lots of hugs now cos they so love you!! Yay!!
Take care
awwww - what a wonderful post from your dad.....
We wish every kitty could be as deeply loved as you are, Orbit!
Love given is always returned so much bigger...Orbit certainly is giving and getting all the love he can!
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