Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Kind Of Nothing-To-Say Day

Well, not much to say today.  Mom and dad went to the library yesterday for their fix, so that means I won't be spending quite as much time in here for now.  They came home with another stack of books, and even though dad tries to split his time "evenly" between reading and writing, he has a hard time putting a book down once he starts it.
     He's really good at making excuses, and he's a horrible procrastinator (wow, that was a hard word to say, never mind to spell!).  He says he wishes he had more time to spend on both (reading and writing), but life and work have to get in the way.  He and I have to split his early morning quiet time on the computer, something that he doesn't like to do sometimes, especially when he has lots to write.  He says he'd do more of each at night if he could stay awake long enough.  He's told me that he's thought about getting up at 3:30 or so, but then he'd probably fall asleep at work before the end of the day!
     Mom says he's an old fart like me, because he's always falling asleep while they're watching t.v.  I say there's nothing wrong with sleeping. 
     Mom's also concerned that she comes across as a bad person in some of these posts, so let's get it straight right now:  she's the coolest mom in the world, and I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone.  Especially when she gives me the good food (even though I'm not supposed to be able to tell there's that pepcid shit in there!).  Anyway, dad needs to get on now, so bye.


Cat said...

Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog the other day! I was reading the earlier post about Orbit's poop incident and I really think it was just a senior moment and not a pay-back thing. I had a 19 year old calico (she's been gone a year) who did some very odd things in her dotage. If Orbit has never been spiteful in the past, I don't think he'd start now :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey, fur not having much to say you did a darn good job at it! Happy Easy Sunday!!!

Old Kitty said...

Yay for mum and dad visiting the library and returning with lots of books to read!

Enjoy your Sunday beautiful Orbit! Me and Charlie think napping is one of the bestest things to do in this whole wide world! :-)

Take care

Gattina said...

You know lots of male humans fall asleep in front of TV ! that's the best sleeping place for them ! Better than their bed !

Daisy said...

My Mommeh falls asleep in front of the TV sometimes!

Orbit, I can tell you got a good mom.

Katnip Lounge said...

Moms are dichotomies; good and evil all wrapped up in a body with opposable thumbs. At our house Mommy is the Enforcer and Daddy is the Spoiler.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Orbit!! Nice to meet you :) Mom thinks you are SO cute. She has a soft spot for black cats ;)
Mom also obsesses about sleep,heehee, but then she is like a bazillionty
years old ;)
We bet your Mom is cool.Most Moms are :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Pop falls asleep in front of the TV too - we think all dads do that!

Do stop by our Halloween spooktacular this week. Monday is the first post.

Oui Oui said...

We know there is a person and a persona. Sometimes, it just makes the story a little better to write about the persona, not the person. So we don't immediately think someone is bad based on stories, so the mom shouldn't worry. She's around a couple old farts, right? She must be a good sport!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We sumhow missed two posts! Between the Mom and the blogger it's a wonder I get anything done! Don't worry bout what anybody thinks bout your hooman. It's what YOU think about her that's impawtant! MOL! xoxo

Ellen Whyte said...

We tried to email you but it bounced! We said, "Au did this when we had Soup the turtle staying for a few days. I moved a cat box into the room where he sent the unhappy message after which he used the box, and then went back his normal habits.

I hope you find your peace of mind again soon."

All writers procrastinate; we're creative so we're good at finding exotic reasons not work :-)

Zoolatry said...

You are too funny and we thinks you gots pawrents a bit like ours ... so we sends some sympathy to you. Bye now...