Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dad's 50th

Hooray!  Dad just turned 50!!  Though the day was meant for dad, I got to enjoy (though only briefly because of my very short attention span) some sparkly ribbons from his gifts.  Mom wrapped one big box and one little one, and after dad opened them and he and mom enjoyed champagne and chocolates (sounds cliche, I know, but that's what they did) I took a few swats at the ribbon dangling from the loveseat cushion.  Mom put the box from one of dad's gifts on the floor, knowing I'm the curious type, and they waited to see if I would go into it.
     I checked it out a few times, and every time one of them tried to get my picture while I was in there I'd slip right back out, bored.  Dad got some really cool new toys for work, including something called a Shop Vac, which, when dad plugged it in sounds suspiciously like the thing mom uses to suck up my fur that seems to find its way into every nook and cranny.  Hah!  Nook and cranny- that just sounds funny.  I know, sometimes I can be so juvenile. I hate when I see mom pull that damn thing out.  At my age you'd think I'd be used to stuff, but it still scares me into hiding.  Dad says his new one will stay in his truck.  Whew!  Anyway, after a while mom wanted to clean up the living room, so she flattened the box and put it in the recycling bin.  End of story. 

     Mom got up at an insane hour while dad snored away like a wild boar, and pasted little tiny 50's all over the kitchen wall.  She wanted dad to see them when he went out for his first coffee.  Sometimes dad can be clueless, and he said he didn't see the little 50's right away, but he certainly couldn't miss the cabinets over the coffee maker!  Happy Birthday, you old fart!


Fuzzy Tales said...

A very happy birthday to your dad! Seems like he had a good celebration! The numbers and letters over the cabinets were a great idea, fun!

Whisppy said...

Your Mom sure made your Dad's 50th birthday a fun one! We like the tiny 50's stuck on around the cabinets. We must ask Mum to do that for Dad's next birthday (he might think they are ants though).

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your dad , Hip Hip Hooray Hooray Hooray Hooray !!!
Me too like to crawl into boxes and I jump out just like you when mom get the flashbox :)

The Lee County Clowder said...

Happy Burrthday, Orbit's Dad. Are you planning on leaving all those 50's on the wall?

Athena said...

Happy purrthday to your dad!

Cara n Crew said...

Happy Birthday to your dad, Orbit! We have never gotten used to the noisy sucky monster either. Isn't it fun to feign disinterest and spoil the pictures your beans wanna take? :)

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Daisy said...

Happy birthday to your dad! My Mommeh is going to have that birthday later this month. She got an AARP card in the mail this week. She is not happy about that.