Thursday, July 4, 2024

A 2nd Anniversary Remembrance and 13th Blogoversary

Well, it's been just over two years now since our dear old Cleopatra crossed the bridge, and not a day goes by when we don't think of her. Her mom still has a hard time even looking at her pictures, so please accept my apology, Hon, when you read this post.

Just look at that sweet face

I can't believe how time flies, and we still- and always will- miss the old gal like crazy. While searching through countless photos, unable to single any out, it felt like some of them were taken only yesterday.
Mom's warm lap and an ice-cold beer from our time in Wilmington, NC

Orbit and I started this thing back in 2011, which seems like eons ago. I had no idea at that time how far we would take it, and even though there've been times when it was difficult to create posts, it's been a lot of fun. Orbit was pretty much like me: laid back, even-keeled (mostly), and just, like, "whatever" (frequently much to the mom's aggravation). More apologies, Sweetheart.

Orbit was a cuddler from the get-go

Orbit had been through countless life changes with me, and I'll be forever grateful that my better half (and mom to Angels Orbit & Cleopatra and of course, Smudge) fell in love with him way back when she and I first met.
Melts your heart, doesn't it?

Cleo, though somewhat crotchety, eventually warmed to us and had been learning to chill over the years. She grew on us like crazy, even with her occasionally anti-social ways, but she made sure we fell in love with her to no end.
Our sweet old girl on my lap

And now-
As usual, head turned away from us...

"Crotchety" has taken on a whole new meaning since Smudge became part of this family, and her duck/frog quack/croak of a meow makes her sound like a 98-year-old lifelong smoker.
So sweet, yet so cranky

Do we wish she'd show us a little more love? Sure, but we'll take her begging for attention and then walking away when we try to give it over, well, let me get back to you on that. 
One of the rare moments she actually looks at us😁

So anyway, frequent side-eye and completely ignoring us aside, Smudge is our sweet, occasionally loving, kinda bitchy & always annoyed senior housemate who we wouldn't trade for the world. No, really. What's not to love about this: 

 Safe Fourth of July greetings to all, though I know Smudge will be hiding in one of her usual spots once the noise starts. I'd say the rain we might get will erase that, but the sound of rain freaks her out as well. 


pilch92 said...

Cleo was a special girl. Nice to see photos of her and Orbit ( I didn't follow back then). Happy Blogoversary and Happy 4th! And Smudge, you are a beauty. XO

catladymac said...

Happy Blogoversary ! We came late to meet CLeo, so it is nice to get some of the backstory here. Purrs.

Saku said...

The saying, cats leave pawprints on your heart is so very true. Memories of Orbit and Cleo are sweet, and Miss Smudge is making her own mark and in her own way.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your kitties have always been very special. It's hard to believe it has been two years. Happy Blogoversary though and we're glad that Smudge is there right where she belongs. Happy Independence Day!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Thank you for your dedication

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Congratulations on your 13th Blogoversary. I never met Orbit but followed Cleo. Big hugs to you both as you remember your dear old girl. It does take a long time to accept you can't see them again but time does help. It was several years before I could watch short videos of the boys, and the first time was by accident, or maybe they intended it to be. I was looking through photos and suddenly one of the videos came up and there were lots of tears, but I realised I could watch them without my world ending. Now I occasionally include them in my memory posts.
Thank you also to you, Maureen and Smudge for the lovely card and good wishes. It was such a lovely surprise to get another large package of cards from Cecilia. They really mean so much to me knowing I have so many people thinking of me. Second session of chemo was yesterday and *fingers crossed* no serious side effects...yet!

Lynn and Precious said...

Congratulations on the blog anniversary. I've always enjoyed reading yours even though I only knew you Through The Eyes of Cleo. Smudge is a welcome family member in your household no matter her attitude. She looks adorable when you have pictures of her. We certainly never forget our previous angels, do we. And yes we cry at their pictures. Just means that we love them and extra lot.

Zoolatry said...

Happy "All Of This" and thanks for sticking around, so glad you did. Of course, remembering cranky-sweet Cleo, who could forget her, always was, always will be a special lady in so many ways. Wish we'd known Orbit, but alas ... And Smudge, well, a welcome friend (in many ways as off-putting in personality as June, so makes us smile) ... so keeping on being here as we enjoy coming here to be with you! One more time: HAPPY HAPPY! (oops, that was two more times ...)

My Mind's Eye said...

Angel Cleo (so very nice to see your Tortie face you were one of a kind) and Orbit were definitely laid back kinda like Angel Milky-Way. He was just happy to be where ever we were. Smudge Mol MOL you are your own Woman marching to your own tune just like Angel Madi
Happy 13th...Blogoversary...
Hugs Cecilia

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cleo, orbit, grayson and smudge….. friendz we R and all wayz will
bee, frum uz in TT, happee blog o verse ree 🐟💙💖💚💖

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Smudge is being the bestest Smudge that she can.

Gidget Blue Sky said...

cleo hadz torti-tood!!!! smudgie haz cat-ti-tood!!! orbit..... jus a pile of squish!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Happy Blogoversary to you! It is always nice to see our angel friends, even if it makes the humans a little sad."
Charlee: "Smudge! My Mama and Dada say I have a meow that makes me sound like a crabby old smoker, too! Ever since I was a kitten I sounded like that and Mama was worried I would be a cranky kitty but Dada says I'm actually the sweetest kitty in the world and if Dada says it it must be true right?"
Chaplin: "Uh-huh."

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I wish I had known Orbit, but am happy I got to know Cleo (((hugs))) this anniversaries are always so hard. I can't believe it's 2 years since Cleo is gone. As for Smudge, Smudge DEFINITELY loves you guys, just in her own way.....I can tell from the photos how relaxed she is and that speaks volumes! Hope you had a great 4th! All of our noisy ass people who used to set off a ton of fireworks moved away......we could hear them in the distance but not right outside our window as it was in previous years, so that's GOOD!!

Darla M Sands said...

You run the most loving household. ~hugs~ Best wishes to you and yours, my dear.

The J-Cats said...

Soft purrs and gentle pawpats as you remember Cleo. Such sweet photos!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sorry to be so late in commenting. We miss Cleo too and can't believe it's already been two years. But we are glad you have Smudge keeping you in line now.

The Chans