Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie... Alone Says I

Canine Cuteness  (I didn't write that!)

 Dad's just home from another brief mutt-sitting stint, and he's officially a butt munch in my book. Think you're funny, don't you, Mr. Big Head Muffin-Top Butt Wipe Dingle Ninny? Like it isn't bad enough that I have to share your attention!

This. Is. Not. Real.

Sorry Smudgie Wudgie, it's part of my job. You know I have to take care of them now and then. I was just having a little fun.

(in mocking, whiny tone) Sorry, Smudgie Wudgie, it's part of my job- Spare me. That's it. No more Lunapic for you. You're on my poop list now, you mumble-minded wiggle-chinned dingweed. 

Aww, lighten up. It's only a picture. Besides, you could say you improved it immensely, no?

I am so done. I want mom to take over. Mom! Mom?! MOM!!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hot Hot Hot

You know, for all dad's bellyaching this past winter about the chilly tile floor in our downstairs, I've gotta admit, it's kinda nice now that the outdoor temperatures are approaching inferno degrees. One day recently when the temps were still more tolerable, I enjoyed the cool floors while also getting in some wildlife-watching from our sliders.

The drapes were shut to keep the late afternoon sun from heating things up, but that also created a place for me to sort of hide. As is usually the case, it's not long before mom or dad eventually bothers me, desperate for my attention the way they are pretty much 24/7, and dad and his pain-in-the-arse phone ruined my few moments of peace. 

Here, on another cooler day before mom took up all of the rugs, I spent hours just watching the world go by from our front door. 

 We're putting off as long as we can firing up the mega a/c since it's still not too bad in here, but what do you, my fellow felines, prefer as the leading intelligent species on this crazy human-controlled planet- fresh air and breezes or closed up confined air?

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Since the warmer weather has been here, I've gotten glimpses out our front door of the local wildlife. Even though we can hear the stupid noisy traffic, our neighborhood is teeming with birds, rabbits, squirrels, and humans. The other day while mom and dad were sitting in the living room, dad said he saw me pacing back and forth, nearly frantic and all but trying to go through the screen door. If you look real close, you can see our newest visitor slithering through the mulch. I wanted to pounce something fierce, let me tell you.

I couldn't take my eyes off the intruder. Oh, how I wanted to play with him, and dad was like "and what would you do if you could get him?" and I was like "give me a second" and dad was like "you'd probably freak out and run upstairs and hide" and I was like "listen mister, I'm scared of lots of things but I'd pounce on his tail, whap him around a bit, let him get away a few inches and then pounce some more" and dad was like "right, right. You're afraid of your own shadow" and I was like "don't you have somewhere to be?" and he was like "just saying" and I was like "I think mom's calling you. Get out of my face" and then the not-plaything wound his way across our welcome mat and off into the grass and life went on. 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Scenes From Mom's La-Z-Boy

 I call this one 

"Get That Effing Thing Out of My 


Nothing to see here, folks. Just an old gal stretching out & having a snooze.

Not sure what's going on here, but I guess I'm comfortable.

Dad says this next one's a rarity. I figured I'd give 'em a treat now and then.

And lastly, dad says this is the most beautiful picture ever of Yours Truly. And here I thought they all were. Can't have everything, I guess.