Tuesday, May 3, 2022


Funny story:   Y'all know that we felines have a way of developing habits and whatnot, right?  I've heard discussions between mom and dad about how I can be a slob because I take up a mouthful of wet food and eat it away from my dish, making a mess on my board.  Or how dad makes mental notes (emphasis on the "mental") of the way I apparently poop in the back corner of my box and pee against the front, often times not covering said pee and stepping through it and leaving tracks. Whatever, says I.  I could write pages of gripes I have with them.  If I could hold a pen.  Anyway, yeah, back to habits.  I fight mom when it comes to sitting in the living room, especially when I'm already there and (usually) asleep and she wants to sit with me.  She grumbles, begs and bitches, and I'm still as a statue, my expression all, like, "what, you want me to move?"  However, for who knows what reason it's a bit different when it comes to sitting with dad.  As you've seen in some posts, I like to squish in on dad's left side between his leg and the arm of the chair where I'm all nice and snug and warm. 

Then, when dad gets up to refill his coffee or something I'll slide right back over for him, or, most often, will stay tucked tightly against the chair arm, patient as can be. 

Which mom, in spite of a bit of jealousy I dare say, finds adorable.  What can I say?  Habits, right?


Lynn and Precious said...

Creatures of habit Cleo. At least you have ones that you stick to on a regular routine. Just think how confused your parents would be if you changed your routine even weekly. Of course then you can keep them guessing in that might be fun.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Cleo, you are perfect and adorable in every way. What more is there to say?

Tama and Benny

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your mom is right, you are adorable.

Eastside Cats said...

Cleo, then explain to me Sweeties current habit of waking me up many times each night, just so she can walk across my body to get to the other window?
It's not like I can sleep 16-20 hours a day like she can; my boss would give me heck if I did.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I feel for your Dad. The only time Burton will come to bed with me is if Dave isn't home. Then he sleeps beside me in Dave's spot. If Dave is home, Burton sleeps between Dave's legs. And no matter how many times I pick him up and try to make him snuggle with me... he goes right back to where he was.

He snuggles with me downstairs more than Dave, so I guess it's fair... but cats are weird.

Sandee said...

I'm with your mom on this. I know your mom and dad are very special to you.

Have a purrfect day, Miss Cleo. My best to your peeps. ♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cleo...creaturez oh habit we bee !!! :) N yea...mom iz rite ♥♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

You do look very happy tucked in with your Papa sweet Cleo!

pilch92 said...

Everything you do is adorable Cleo. XO

Saku said...

You keep doing you Cleo. My angel sisfur Sami used to sit on laps, but there was no moving her if she decided she was staying there. Mom bean was the only one who could pick her up off the lap (her own or the human sibs).

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "It's good to have a routine that you follow. My routine in the morning is that Dada gives me breakfast and when I'm finished I go sit in his lap in the office. If he is not in the office, I find him and give him baleful looks until he goes in the office, and then I sit in his lap. It's not easy to keep up these routines but you know it's important that it be done!"

meowmeowmans said...

Our cats have always had individual habits and preferences, too, Cleo. We love that they (and you!) are so unique. XO

Summer said...

Some habits I have, my human calls quirks! Hm.

Leah said...

You are adorable and charming on every way, Cleo!

The Island Cats said...

You keep doing things the way you want, Cleo. The humans will learn to adjust. ~Ernie

My Mind's Eye said...

OH Cleo you are a Daddy's girl...I'm with mom it is adorable that you make room for Daddy.
Oh don't get me started on litter boxes. Our first cat Milky-way was meticulous to a fault. Sometimes it sounded as if he was digging thru the floor. Fast forward to diva princess Madison D Cat. She didn't dare get her princess slippers soiled. She would dig a pp spot but not cover it. As for poop That girl just knew somebuddy else put that in the box she was having nuttin' to do with it and bolted out at mach speed when she realized it was there.
To quote you;"what can I say, habits!!"
Hugs Cecilia

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...
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Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Too cute! You're a tortie. You can do what you want!

Ivan from WMD said...

We think that where Dad's concerned, there's always room for Cleo!

Darla M Sands said...

Habits are hard to break and humans are hard to train. :D