Thursday, June 6, 2019

Out in the Neighborhood

These guys have been spotted down the street from us by a small pond over the past few weeks.  Occasionally traffic gets held up when they decide to cross the street, and so far as mom and dad have seen most drivers wait patiently, some with smiles, as they (the birds, not the drivers) waddle their way across. Dad says this area should be named "Land of a Thousand Roundabouts".  These poor creatures have to be extra careful since this is right near one such roundabout, requiring them to make several road crossings in one journey.  Dad bitches about how many roundabouts, no left turns and U turns there are around here.  Seems these days he can find just about anything to bitch about...


Eastside Cats said...

Cleo, we had a mama goose make her nest beside the front door of one of our buildings, so the campus operations manager and I strung yellow 'crime scene' tape, and posted flyers on the doors to say, "Goose nesting! Do not use this door!" And everyone was respectful, and didn't complain too much about the build up of goose poop (left by daddy goose, who was always on patrol). After a month, the babies were born and after a few days, no more geese in our parking lot! Being respectful of other creatures can be the hallmark of human beings, but we are very thick sometimes.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Even without the geese the roundabouts are a nuisance. I live in the country, but when I drive in Des Moines (capital of Iowa) they have put them on every other new street it seems! Some streets have more than one roundabout on them.... and some people hardly slow down to go around them. I'm surprised there aren't more rollover accidents associated with them.

pilch92 said...

We call them rotaries and they are a pain. Cute geese. We have lots of turkeys, no geese.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have roundabouts everywhere here too.
Our neighbour has Canada Geese who nest on the little island in his pond every year.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cleo....dadz gotta rite ta bitch, if we had ta see thiz site we wood bee bitchin 25.8.366... !!!


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We have a TON of geese (and their babies in our complex here too), they are EVERYWHERE.......(we also have roundabouts), but hopefully our geese don't venture out to where they are. Sadly, some people aren't that nice about stopping their cars :(

The Island Cats said...

We have a ton of these guys in our backyard now. Fortunately, there's no busy street for them...just an occasional nasty swan if they get too close to them.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We have those here at the lake across the street, sometimes they come to visit.

Ivan from WMD said...

That's quite the family outing! We hope they continue to be safe in their wandering.

Pee Ess. Roundabouts are popping up in ABQ too, although they are quite confusing to those who've never used one before.

My Mind's Eye said...

Cleo tis the time of year for the wiggly waddling family. They need a cross guard. I just saw your patio photo too. What a fun place to relax
Hugs Cecilia

Katie Isabella said...

I detested traffic circles in Europe all those years and I detest them popping up over here as well. There is no need for them...we did very well without them since traffic ever started.