Saturday, February 2, 2019

Let's Get Back To It

Hey y'all, what a month it's been.  I hit the nail on the head with my suspicion a month or so ago that we might be moving again. I'm coming at you live from the chilly (for here anyway) land of Wilmington.  I know many of you have been in the grip of an arctic freeze, and we hope everyone has managed to stay safe. 
     I guess mom and dad just couldn't stay away from the shore area, and I think we're finally almost kinda-sorta just about nearly not quite settled in.  Somewhat.  Mostly. 
Boy, this moving thing is exhausting!

     It's a good move, one that allows dad to stay with the same employer, and we're at a brand spanking new property. 
I finally got comfortable enough to sleep.
We did, however, spend the majority of the past month in temporary digs at a property right in downtown Wilmington because our apartment here wasn't quite ready.  

Yep, Still Snoozing
  The boxes are unpacked, the truck's returned, mom's almost satisfied with how the new place is set up, and I got comfortable right away after a preliminary walk-through to check out every nook and cranny.  We're in a one bedroom apartment again, but this place is quite a bit bigger than where we were, and I had lots of spaces to check out.
Check out the new bling, y'all!

     Dad did end up confiding in me that although the move went pretty smoothly it seems as they age the whole relocation process takes more of a toll on them.    


My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Cleo and Dad and Mom
OMCs you have Wilmington. What a beautiful city.
I have found memories of Carolina Beach as a child. My grandmother had B&B on Wrightsville Beach. The grandkids spent lots of time there in the summer.
I'll never forget youngest cousin could not way Wilmington...he called it
Wil-toe-ming. That is exactly how he said it too. I cannot image us moving at our age we have been in this house 35 years in July. Enjoy the PortCity
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am sure happy to hear that you are all settled in and enjoying your new place sweet Cleo!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad the move went well and you are mostly settled in now.

Furries said...

Congratulations on your new home. Moving is an ordeal but you all have settled in quickly. I hope you have some nice sunny windows with good views.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sounds like big changes for your family! Glad you're settled :)

pilch92 said...

Nice to see you. I am glad you like your new place. I love your new bling. Thank you for the kind words you left for me on my blog for the loss of Tallulah. XO

Mickey's Musings said...

Good to hear your new digs are a bit bigger and you are settled :)
You are looking good and happy and pretty with that new bling :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Yes, moving is hard, but it looks like you took advantage of resting after all that 'stress' you endured! (I AM being a little sarcastic---I have 3 cats and I know they would be the same way if we moved....)

Eastside Cats said...

Cleo, the thought of moving makes me dizzy and my stomach queasy! Maybe that's why The Hubby and I are still in this old house for 30 years...when it was supposed to be 'temporary'! LOL! The jokes on us, but congrats on your new digs!

Summer said...

I hope your humans stay put for a while! It sounds like moving wasn't easy on them.

The Swiss Cats said...

Concatulations on your new home ! Moving is so stressful, we're glad you like your new home. Purrs

Ivan from WMD said...

Well, Cleo, it looks like the humans did something without consulting the kitty. Typical. We were expecting a westward move for you and what do they do? Move even more east! Our mom gets it--she loves (and misses) the beach too, but she is an unpredictable human.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cleo...all de best in yur new home two ewe mom N dad; sum timez change iz good, sum timez itz even good urr ;) !!! heerz ta lotz oh happee memoreez bee in made...if ewe iz neer shore thatz TOTAL LEE AWESUM...N we iz gel uz { but ina good way :) ☺☺♥♥

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

huge concatulations on moving!! Glad all went well and you are right, it is always worse on the humans. Did you say you live by the water? You are so lucky!