Recently, while poring over our vast collection of Orbit's photos the thought came to me how many of them appear as if he's melting. He always had that drooping, funny way, when he fell asleep, of looking as though he was melting into a puddle of... cat.
He is droopy. I call Raven my "puddle of darkness". She's solid black like Orbit was and she sometimes disappears into a ball of indistinguishable floof....that's when we can find her.
He really was quite the love puddle.
I do that too... and my human loves it!
My mom loves this too. Of all of us, only Ivan goes boneless--he's totally relaxed!
Oh, what a sweet puddle! Glad you took lots of pictures!
We call that the hangover. :)
I believe that cats are really fur-covered liquid, and these photos prove that point! Happy Mother's Day, y'all!
dood...ya did inn deed haza way oh meltin....we reel lee like fotoz 2 & 5.....thatz sum oh de best meltin skillz we haz seen....ever !! ♥♥♥
I like kitties.
Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle
Aw, he looks so relaxed in those photos. What could be better for a cat!
He is droopy. I call Raven my "puddle of darkness". She's solid black like Orbit was and she sometimes disappears into a ball of indistinguishable floof....that's when we can find her.
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