Friday, October 17, 2014

Held Against My Will

 Dad, annoying creature that he can be, comes home for lunch every day.  Mom has his lunch ready for him most days, and they sit together to eat and talk.  I'm usually asleep somewhere when he comes home, and they pretty much leave me alone to my needs.
     After they eat their lunches some unknown power, something in the air, perhaps (one of dad's least favorite words, surpassed only by indeed, likewise and surpassed) nudges me awake and forces me, as if by the scruff of my neck, to climb out, up or down from wherever I may be comfortably sound asleep and makes me, purely against my will, climb up on him.  
     I don't need him for comfort, mind you, and I certainly don't need his warm, padded being for a place to sleep.  I make my own comfort, yessiree, but this force, this unexplained phenomenon, if you will, this something in the air, drags me up from the depths of slumber and draws me to his lap against my will.
     As is evident by my struggling limbs and my pained facial expression this position is not at all comfortable or enjoyable and, as you can see, I'm doing everything I possibly can to get out of his overpowering grip and return to wherever it was that I was all nice and warm and cozy.
     This traumatizing force field against which I am powerless overcomes me pretty much every day, and I have become a slave to its invisible fury.  As my flailing limbs, snarling fangs and exposed talons show here I will fight this evil power for all I'm worth until I reign victorious.


Eastside Cats said...

Orbit, the world is full of mysterious things! A snuggle daily with your poppa seems glorious, and stuggling or not will not change that moment of love.

Ivan from WMD said...

Nice try, Orbit, but I can tell you love your dad a bunch. And no, it's not uncatly at all.

Summer said...

Oh well, Orbit - the things we have to endure for our humans! ;-)

Katnip Lounge said...

Indeed, we have likewise been overcome by this surpassing force!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, what's a kitty to do? Just remember that some humans have special needs too and sometimes we need to help them out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Orbit! You look pretty comfy to me all tucked in under your Dad's chin. I sleep on my Mom frequently but she never has to capture me for that - I pop up on her lap whenever she sits down. She's my personal heating pad. I'm a senior dude too - will be 15 in January. Sleeping is something we have TRULY a lot of experience with right??

Hugs, Sammy

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...18 centz anda sack oh friez says it bee ale ee ends that doez it coz it happenz round heer two...sum times...heerz two a grate week N next time ya get interrupted frum a nap at LUNCH nice if EWE got sum lunch two...ya noe ~~!!