Mom and dad finally got around to checking out a place nearby called Airlie Gardens here in Wilmington. I think mom was a little more excited than dad was, but they got in a nice bit of walking, and got to see some interesting sculptures and some other stuff I'd find boring, honestly. That sign at the top is in front of a live oak tree that's supposed to be over 400 years old, and stands at the beginning of the walking trail that snakes around the park.
That's pretty old as far as trees go. I can relate to how that tree must feel, considering we are about the same age. There was even a large screened-in building that housed a variety of butterflies, and the above shot was one of mom and dad's favorites. The frogs are part of something called "Ribbitt the Exhibit", and they're on display throughout the summer. They (mom especially) enjoyed the many beautiful fountains, formal gardens and historic structures scattered through- out thegrounds. The bottle chapel was especially interesting, but a certain dingbat failed to get a decent picture of it for me. If you get a chance check out the Airlie Gardens website and see photos and video there. None of this crap seems interesting to me, and I'm glad they didn't try to take me along. They spent the first part of the day at the beach down at Fort Fisher, where they go for their hey-lets-turn-our-pasty-white-skin-brown-ish treatments. All in all it doesn't sound like much of an exciting day to me, but to each their own. Disclaimer- I apologize for the strange appearance and positioning of the text in this post. It takes two of us to do this, and, though I have my part down pat a certain other old fart seems to have problems with simple things. He blames it on Blogger, but it's simply that he's an idiot sometimes. But I love him. Because he's awesome and takes great loving care of me. He made me write that. Sometimes he makes me soooo mad. If I were bigger than him I'd....
orbit...dood...we agree with ewe...knot much for cats tho if thoze frogz wuz reel......lunch brake & snak time....R mom says thiz place rocks N iz way awesum N her says thanx ta yur peepulz for sharin...her like de bench coz itz got lionz on it !!!
Don't get too mad at your typist. Our mom has the same problem in WordPress with type and photos. That park looks like a great place for a kitty to roam about, unless fur balls are not allowed. You do give us some good laughs, orbit. Thanks! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
Hey, Orbit. The butterflys might have been fun, but otherwise we think staying home was probably the best choice for you.
Don't give your typist too much grief. Our Dad still thinks the main point of the Blogger's "great interface redesign" was to make spammers lives easier.
Even though this place does not seem too accommodating to the feline friends it is pretty interesting to us humans. I really loved all the pictures that you posted. The dancing frogs were awesome.
orbit...dood...we agree with ewe...knot much for cats tho if thoze frogz wuz reel......lunch brake & snak time....R mom says thiz place rocks N iz way awesum N her says thanx ta yur peepulz for sharin...her like de bench coz itz got lionz on it !!!
You are right, this place does not seem very accommodating to kitties. Somebody needs to invent cool places for us!
Don't get too mad at your typist. Our mom has the same problem in WordPress with type and photos. That park looks like a great place for a kitty to roam about, unless fur balls are not allowed. You do give us some good laughs, orbit. Thanks! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
You were right to stay home. The butterfly DID look rather tempting, though.....
Hey, Orbit. The butterflys might have been fun, but otherwise we think staying home was probably the best choice for you.
Don't give your typist too much grief. Our Dad still thinks the main point of the Blogger's "great interface redesign" was to make spammers lives easier.
Even though this place does not seem too accommodating to the feline friends it is pretty interesting to us humans. I really loved all the pictures that you posted. The dancing frogs were awesome.
The only thing that catched my eye was the Butterfly :)
My mom-person thought the whole garden thingy looked furry nice !
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