Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Caption Suggestions, Anyone?

Well, I'm not quite sure how to explain this one.  As most of you know, I like to nap, and since the arrival of the warmer weather, I've taken to sprawling out on the floor wherever I see fit.  For a couple of crusty old guys we sure do make for an interesting photo, wouldn't you say?
     That's mom's cellphone on the sarcophagus's head, and no, the charger cord is not plugged into my butt!


Old Kitty said...

"Is that a phone on your head or are you just pleased to see me?"


Awwww hello Orbit! Take care

Ivan from WMD said...

Is that like a GIANT CAT TREAT HOLDER or what?

Michelle said...

Your even cute while napping.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Our Mommy sees curled kitteh paws. They drive her wild!

Daisy said...

Orbit, it looks like you are communicating with the sarcophagus!