Friday, February 10, 2012

Pissed And Sulking

     Nothing to say today.  I'm mad.  I just tried to get in dad's lap, but the laptop was apparently more important to him.  Sure, I got lap time while he read two hours ago.  Sure, I got up to eat and have a drink.  So what?!  I want to sit on his lap again... NOW, dammit!  Okay, fine.  I guess sitting here on the side table, staring at him, then climbing over the arm of the rocker, ignoring the laptop and trying to plunk myself half on his tubby gut, half on the keyboard didn't get the message through to him.  He tried to be nice and forcefully "guide" me to his side, sandwiched between his fat belly and the chair arm, but that's not where I wanted to be.  Boy, I hate him right now.  I'm not going to compete with a damn computer.  I guess this stupid beach chair will be just as comfortable.  I didn't really want to sit with him anymore anyway.  Hrmmphh!

     Sorry all- watching him just now, laughing inside at his stares and stubbornness- I couldn't resist.  Of course, he's now out cold, curled up in the chair next to me, snoring and drooling away.  I swear, life would be so boring without him here!


Jacqueline said...

MOL!!...We agree with both of you=Orbit, you should rule the house as well as Dad's lap and Dad, yes, we're sure Orbit makes life fun!! :)...You are a very handsome mancat, Orbit=we might have a new crush :)...Have a happy weekend, friends...xoxo...Calle Halle, Sukki

Random Felines said...

MOL! Too funny.....we agree that the best time to sit on a lap is when it is busy doing something else!!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww lovely Orbit! Your dad must learn that you always always come first!! Yay! Take care

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Stoopid craptop! Our Mom's always got hers in her lap too.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

computers, stealing cat-bed-laps since 1995 (or there abouts, I'm not exactly looking this up..)
Perhaps you should try drooling on the laptop? I know I'd move mine in a big hurry if that happened!

Michelle said...

You so sound like my cat. plus you two look the same. Are you sure your not related?
Just wanted to let you know Goggle is going away at the end of this month. To keep our follower and not lose our favorite blogs .We will have to join the Linky Party. Heidi has one on her site.
I don't want to lose any of my blogs,I enjoy visiting you guys to much. I hope you will join. Oh and follow me. Almost forgot that part.

Cathy Keisha said...

He should let you sit in his lap. You're no spring chicken cat and he should enjoy you while he can. Hope he's reading this and feeling guilty.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

MOL! You two are wonderful - and very entertaining :)

The Chair Speaks said...

LOL! Orbit, have a great weekend!

The Lee County Clowder said...

Orbit, kittie, who says you can't get in your Dad's lap just because he has a compooter (or anything else) in his lap? Just strut across the laptop, hitting as many keys as you can. With any luck, you'll close a couple windows, and maybe even shut down the entire compooter.

Teach him what's important!