Saturday, August 31, 2024

Things and Stuff

 One of my newly revisited favorite lounge spots in our place is the low window sill up in the extra bedroom.

When we first moved here, I enjoyed watching the world go by from on high but lost interest when the plastic went up last winter. The sill is only a few inches off the floor and is nice and wide so I can sprawl out leisurely. Plus, I get to spy on all the activity outside.

As you can see, Miss Ellen's nip mat gets a good workout, too. In case some of you are wondering or don't remember from old posts many moons ago, the sarcophagus is the final resting place for Angels Isaac, Orbit, Cleopatra and wee Grayson.

Downstairs, the sliders offer a different view of the great outdoors.

Here's where I saw my little hippety hoppety friend a few posts ago, and where I'm often found sprawled out when dad wakes up at idiot o'clock when it's still dark out but my silhouette is highlighted by a neighbor's obnoxious 24/7 patio light.

So there you have it. I'll bet your day feels more complete now that your brain's filled with all this fascinating good-to-know stuff. See ya.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Guest Post

 I guess I may be getting better about sharing in my old age. Or, dad wanted to post this and said I had no say in the matter. So one of his kids sent him this photo of her floofy feline, Bean, or Spicy Black Bean Burger. 

Sure seems like a mouthful when it comes to calling for dinner and whatnot. Unique name, sure, but I'm okay with my one-syllable moniker. Say, Bean must be related to dad- looking at this up close, those tufts sticking out from between her toes look an awful lot like dad's toes. And ears. And back. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Rhyme Time with ol' Bonehead Dad

 Oh dear, here he goes again. Bear with me, folks- I have to live with him, so this should be painless for you.

An Assemblage of Legs

a very brief poem by dad

An assemblage of chair legs, 

and some table ones, too,

I'll give you one guess

who those others belong to.

Thank you very much. Please hold the applause.

Aww, come on, Smudge. I thought it was pretty good for being cooked up so quick.

Ooooh, I know- maybe I'll take a stab at a sonnet next.

Ahhh, feel the love...

Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Comfy Place for the Road-Weary Travelers

During our trip out & back we stayed at a couple of pet-friendly hotels to help ease the drive. Funny story: dad learned some years ago to call ahead even if they say "pet-friendly" because apparently "pet-friendly" often only means "dog-friendly" at some places. This time, he called everywhere we stayed like three times to confirm, re-confirm and re-re-confirm that I'd be allowed.

We also stayed at one while visiting the grandboys, and although mom and dad appreciated the open invitation to stay with the family, they felt it was better to stay nearby, especially with me in tow.

Mom brought this colorful blanket from home because she's always cold and wanted to make sure she'd be warm enough wherever we went.
Don't much care where mom and dad sleep, as long as I've got my claim staked.

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Back Home

 But we drove, Smudge. No flying was involved, and it was only 20 hours and one time zone away.

Yeah, but it took a lot out of me. I thought riding from Asheville to this place when we moved here would be the last time I'd have to ride in a moving vehicle.

Oh, come on-  You were the best riding companion ever, and besides, you slept through most of it, right? I mean, once you settled down it was like you'd done it a hundred times in your howevermanyteen years.

I guess. Besides, I think I'm more exhausted from listening to you and mom go at each other about driving than I am from the trip. 

What are you saying? I did all the driving and for the most part, enjoyed it. I think I'm the one who should be exhausted. 

I'll let you in on a little secret- mom let you drive. From what I gather, you don't like mom's front-seat driving, and she doesn't like your back-seat driving. She just didn't wanna hear it. Got it?

Touché. Well, seeing this set of grandkids for the first time since before COVID-19 was a joy, and as always, the time was way too short. Sure, 4 days total of driving wasn't so great, but hanging out with three silly, overly energized grandboys was worth more than anything in the world, even if they had a little too much fun with Grandpa's hairy back and ugly toes. The mini-golf, fishing, smores & popcorn over the fire, and, especially, tubing behind the boat were a treat. And don't get me started on the giggly 9-year-old walking, talking fart factory. Who knew one wiry little body could harness so much gas. Anyway, perhaps one day if/when I retire, we'll be able to travel more.

Great. Looking forward to it.