Yeah, I know. The diet thing hasn't gone as well as they'd like. Oh, they try, they really do. Anyway, It's been 3 years with these two, and I've grown into a part of the family. I often hear one or the other of them say I'm like a little person. Like a child to them.
When we're both home Cleo doesn't like- unless she's asleep, of course- to be left out. She always wants to be where we are, like she's missing out on something. The other night we were in the bathroom, her mom dressing a wound on my leg as I sat on the tub's edge. I smiled and nudged mom, pointing toward the mostly-closed bathroom door where a little paw was reaching around the corner, trying to nudge the door open. If we're in another room, talking, she often comes in, announces her presence and looks at us as if to say "So what are you guys talking about?"
What can I say? As much as we have our little, umm, disagreements now and then, I don't like being left out. Is that a crime? Didn't think so. Just love me, dammit.
For all her attitude Cleo's mom and I can't even imagine our life without her. This couple has formed a threesome with a furry being who's by turns an annoying, needy child and a crotchety old spinster who must always be the center of attention.
Show of hands, please: who thinks this is a problem? I don't see anything wrong with it, so we're good.