Saturday, September 21, 2024


 Just having a little fun-

Not sure what's going on here. Is she lying down? Is there an invisible starting block and she's getting ready to run a race?  Maybe her behind got tired from the effort of lying down and just stopped on the way there?

Paunches R Us 
Lastly, mom and dad always make fun of me for what they lovingly refer to as my cottontail, and I'm okay with that.

I'm quite proud of it, and besides, dad's muffin tops have clung to his middle since his baking days eons ago, and mom calls her midriff "Ester". Now, I know we're not the only family who names their body parts. Care to share any of yours? (please keep it PG-13 or thereabouts, though dad's the last one who can say anything about that)


Lynn and Precious said...

Lynn calls my fluffy belly Tubby Tummy. She doesn't have names fur her parts 'cept fur Old. We lady kitties nevfur evfur fart. At least when I do evfurry night on Lynn's legs, it is behind me, mol. And Lynn gets the scent of the updraft. She should move her nose to the other side of her head, you know, with the eyes on the back of her head. Precious

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lady cats don't fart, they send out air kisses! Lay whichever way feels comfortable, that is your business, no-one else. I am sure they get in weird positions sometimes!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Just as long as you are comfy sweet Smudge that's all that matters. You're always adorable though.

My Mind's Eye said...

Smudge you are so funny.. know what they say pick your battles so save(savory) the moment you use your best defense.
A smart lady cat is always sitting on ready you never know when the moment to spring forward will happen
Hugs to you and your devoted staff,

Eastside Cats said...

Methinks y'all have found your tribe!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "Nobody names body parts around here, except Dada says that both Lulu and I have pantaloons on our back legs! But I think that is more of a description than a name ..."

Gidget Blue Sky said...

oh smudgie, yoo r so berry cute!!! yoo r rite, laydee catz do not fart! iz not lady like! dee mum duz not haz namez fur body partz except she sez she haz a effed up spine. she duz say dat i haz a cute liddle tushie when she followz me into dee beddie room.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You are the cutest, Smudge. All your parts are purrfect!

pilch92 said...

Ha ha! Good ones. :) You are such a cutie. XO

meowmeowmans said...

We think all your parts are beautiful, Smudge!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

smudge...eye am crackin UP !!! did de "cologne"
make dadz hair smell grate :) ♥♥ N wavez two yur mom...yez..her iz rite ther :)
yur page bak groundz pawsum bye de way !!!

Darla M Sands said...

Thanks for the giggles. And by the way, our Terra Dactyl lies on her tummy with back feet facing paw up on a regular basis. I like to think she's just ready for action. lol Be well, gorgeous!

Saku said...

Don't you know that the beans are just jealous of good looking we kitties are - from efurry angle!
Mom bean says she hasn't named any body parts, hers or mine. :)