Monday, June 29, 2020

Kindred Spirit Mailbox and Then Some

As happens now and then dad's making me do a post that's got nothing to do with me, and it's a mixed-topic one, so bear with me. 
A few weekends ago mom and dad put their explorer pants on and drove down to Sunset Beach, pretty much the southernmost stretch of their favorite landscape before hitting South Carolina.  While doing some online research previously, mom discovered the Kindred Spirit mailbox, an actual mailbox standing in the dunes on Bird Island, about a mile and a half from the Sunset Beach Pier. 
There's a wonderful write-up in Our State magazine from a few years ago where you can read about this little treasure in greater detail, but the condensed version is that this mailbox was placed here decades ago for people to jot down their innermost thoughts, secrets, longings or what have you. 
Mom carrying a voluntary trash pick-up basket
There are journals, pens and pencils inside the mailbox, and a couple of comfy benches to sit and reflect on whatever one wishes to record.
Old Lefty scribbling his deepest thoughts
What they didn't know anything about was a nature trail that wound through the brush and dunes behind the mailbox, where they were delighted with a healthy walk a bit away from the surf, allowing them to get in just a little more exercise and sand-filled shoes. 
The sights and sounds in this little part of the world are a true joy and well worth the drive from anywhere.
During this same weekend they returned for another visit to Brunswick Town and Fort Anderson over in Winnabow, where you'll find some fascinating colonial and Civil War historical markers, foundations and information on the banks of the Cape Fear River just below Wilmington.  Dad's posted photos and stuff from this site once or twice over the years.  On the way to Brunswick Town there are several bodies of water where you're almost always sure to spot some fascinating wildlife, and this trip was no different.  They'd pulled off the side of the road to look out over Orton Pond, and mom- who got to the bank of the pond first- whispered frantically for dad to hurry to her side, where they saw this gator lazily bobbing in the current. 
Yes, dad was a little too close, and mom kept yelling at him to back up.  
You're probably thinking "what do pickles have to do with any of this?"  Well, I told you it was going to be a mixed-topic post, and for whatever reason, dad felt the need to add this.  This is mom's latest batch of pickles, and by now there is, sadly, only one partial jar left.  So, yeah, there you have it.  Sand-filled shoes, innermost musings in a mailbox, awesome up-close wildlife and, of course, pickles. Can it get much more random?   



Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure looks like a most pleasant place to spend some time!

Eastside Cats said...

We haven't been to a sandy beach in a long, long time...we have lakes and beaches, but Michigan is all fresh-water, yaknowwhatImean?
Cleo, you can show pics of pickles ANY OLD TIME...I LURV pickles!
Thank goodness, The Hubby is a terrific pickle maker too...oh, man, now I want a pickle and peanut butter sandwich...yum...

da tabbies o trout towne said...

it might be random but this post was totally cool to be able to live here { nearby} the mailbox idea is very clever; does one put the flag up after you leave a note and does someone come bye then and empty it out ??? ☺☺♥♥

My Mind's Eye said...

I have heard about the Kindred Spirit was either in Our State Magazine or the news paper. Oh to know what Dad wrote right?
Simply a gorgeous area except for that guy gator...YIKES I agree with mom
Hugs and good to hear from Dad and thanks for sharing the blog.

Saku said...

Mom bean likes the idea of the mail box, the walk on the beach, and the pickles...but the gator freaks her out!

World of Animals, Inc said...

This looks like such a wonderful adventure your mom and dad went on. The mailbox is such a great idea to get away and write down some things to get off your chest. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals

The Island Cats said...

The Kindred Spirit mailbox is such an interesting idea. We've never heard of it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Random is good! That looks like a lovely place to walk.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a wonderful place! That beach reminds #1 of the many summers she spent in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Tama and Genji

Ivan from WMD said...

Oh sure, make our mom all long-y for the beach again. As if she's not hard enough to deal with during the unending pandemic and heat. And now she wants homemade pickles too.

Sandee said...

Nothing better than the ocean to clear the mind. I would love to put my wishes in that mailbox. I can think of lots of good things. World peace to start with.

The pickles look really good. Bet they were.

Have a fabulous day and thanks for visiting Comedy Plus. 😎

hairballs and hissyfits said...

I LOVE the story about the Kindred Spirit mailbox! I have now added it to my bucket list!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

It was a mix of everything, your post, but we didn't mind one bit! The housekeeper especially liked the Kindred Mailbox. If we ever go, we'll allow extra time for her to put down her thoughts, hehe - Tom x

Darla M Sands said...

Awesome post! ~grin~ This is the third blog post I encountered today that featured trips to or on the ocean. ~sigh~ Maybe I'll dream of going, preferably without some nightmarish frustration like not being able to hit the beach. ~shakes head~ Stupid sleeping brain always messes with me. Heh... Be well!

Katie Isabella said...

Peanut butter and pickle sandwich? Oh Cecelia the total nectar of the gods. I've never know ANYONE but me and my Dad who have loved those forever.

I would love to be at that beach and see the Kindred Spirits mailbox too...and the gator. I lubs gators. Had a lot in FL.