Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Big, Big Thank You...

... to all my friends who offered words of encouragement, positive thoughts, and even fundraising offers.  I thank you all from the bottom of my wrinkly old heart, and I'm soooo touched by your kindness and heartfelt wishes.  Okay, enough of that mushy shit for now.  I'll be back in the morning to entertain you with my quirky prose and slick wit.  Goodnight all, and it's good to be back.

     Dad here- he thought he clicked "Publish", but didn't.  Must be out of practice.  Anyway, despite the "mushy shit" part, he does appreciate all your comments, and he looks forward to getting back into his groove.  I'll make sure he's up early enough to come up with something new.   





Katnip Lounge said...

HURRAH!!! We were cruisin' thru our blogroll and worried about all y'all.
We're looking forward to some news!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We were worried bout ya'll! So glad to hear from you. Please let us know what's been going on in your life. SSDD here.

Whisppy said...

Jeez. We've been worried about you guys. Let us know how things are now...

Daisy said...

So glad to hear back from you. Hope things are getting better!

Old Kitty said...

Awww Orbit!! You're fabulous crankiness just made me and Charlie's day!! We laughed out so loudly! LOL! Awwww you are too adorable!!

We do hope that you and your family are ok now though? We hope so!! It's great to have you back!! Take care

Sadie & Itty said...

Good to see you back. Was getting more worried as the days went by. Sadie and Itty's Mom